DIY Ideas for a Virtual Wedding


Do It Yourself does NOT have to be a daunting task! If you’ve got a little free time on your hands these days, a DIY activity can be a fun thing. And if you’re wanting your virtual wedding to feel more like a party, these are some great ideas to make your big day a bit brighter!

1.DIY Decor

Grab your streamers, blow up some balloons, and toss that confetti around! Seriously, it’s so fun (and easy) to spruce up your place as a great backdrop for your virtual shindig. You can order party supplies online, or even use some stuff you’ve got at-home, like: flowers from your yard, candles, string lights from Christmas! Seriously, the options are limitless.

2. Hair and makeup tutorials

YouTube has everything these days. If you want to spruce up your wedding day look without the whole works, just go watch some great YouTube tutorials for quick and easy hair and makeup tips. It’s especially helpful if you find someone who does looks with drugstore dupes, too! (Kathleen Lights is great because she does anything from drugstore to high-end, and her looks are so versatile!)

3. Fun Zoom backdrops

Okay so maybe you don’t want to put in the time and energy in cleaning up your place. How about a virtual background? Yup, they exist. And if you’ve been in Zoom meetings these past few months, chances are, you’ve seen them. And with these fun backgrounds, you can get married “anywhere” from the beach to Bob’s Burgers. Get creative with it! Why not, huh? (Especially if you’ve always dreamed of getting married in front of the Eiffel Tower. Well now’s your chance!)

4. Making your own cake

Even though you can’t share it with loved ones, sometimes all you need is a good recipe and an hour with your boo! There are a TON of great cake recipes out there, especially if you’re looking for something simple but delicious. This recipe is quick, easy, and looks SO yummy! [] Plus, if you’re looking for other flavors, sugar-free, or even cupcakes, this site has ‘em all!

5. Favors for your friends and family

Even if your loved ones can’t physically be there for you, how about sending them a little favor anyway? Maybe you send them your favorite champagne so you can all toast together! Maybe you bought some custom candies, sitting in a box somewhere in the house, and they need a home! Whatever it is, there are so many ways to get together a little “thank you” gift for your favorite people. This way, they can still feel like they’re a part of it too!

Have you got any fun tips for virtual weddings? Share them! You never know, there may be a couple somewhere who could use them for their own celebration!